Live to Serve the God Emperor

Love the Emperor, For he is the salvation of mankind.
Obey His words, for He will lead you into the light of the future.
Heed His wisdom, for He will protect you from evil.
Whisper His prayers with devotion, for they will salve your soul
Honour His servants, for they speak in His voice
Tremble before His majesty, for we all walk in His immortal shadow

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Politics of the Inquisition!

'I cannot destroy Heresy. I can fight it. I can murder millions, billions, but as long as two humans live there will always be Heresy. No, i cannot destroy heresy, for only a god, no, THE god, our lord and divine god emperor, is the only one who can wipe out heresy. Till his return, i must do what i can to thin the swarm. --

Inquisitor Sasha Vermilion

Monday, 7 November 2011

Iron Snakes Chapter

The Iron Snakes are a Successor Chapter of Space Marines. Their primary mission is the safeguarding of the area of Imperial space referred to as the Reef Stars1, although they are also known to have contributed forces to wider conflicts, such as the Sabbat Worlds Crusade2 and the Imperial response to the 13th Black Crusade

The first days of the Iron Snakes are difficult to pin down; reportedly a Second Founding chapter, their Legion of origin is unknown. Although they pay respect to Roboute Guilliman, it is uncertain if they are an Ultramarine descendant, particularly as they are a non-Codex chapter. The current Chapter Master, Seydon, is the eighteenth to bear that title since the foundation of the Iron Snakes.
The first-ever squad-leaders of the Chapter have become immortalized within its ranks, as their names have been retained as the official designation of the squads they first led. Every squad in the Chapter is therefore known by the name of its first commander and careful attention is paid to recording the deeds of each squad and the glory they have accumulated. Over the centuries, several squads judged to have accumulated particularly impressive and glorious histories became referred to as Notable squads and are seen as the pre-eminent units in the entire Chapter. There are five Notable squads within the Iron Snakes, Skypio, Parthus, Veii, Thebes and Damocles. Skypio squad is the senior squad of the entire chapter and is the closest thing to a conventional elite unit the Iron Snakes could be said to have.
The Iron Snakes recruit from Ithaka, a world largely covered in very deep oceans home to a variety of sealife, including the great Wyrms. Ithaka does possess significant landmass, including tropical islands and viciously cold polar regions. Iron Snakes are therefore able to train in a number of environments, although the sea is most precious to them, to the point where each marine carries a vial of Ithakan seawater with him when on active duty, and with which he anoints the soil of any other planet he steps on. Their actual Fortress-Monastery is located on Ithaka's moon, Karybdis, and features a great bell as large as a Space Marine Drop Pod.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Sons of Antaeus

A Loyalist Space Marines Chapter of unknown origin created during the Cursed 21st Founding, the Sons of Antaeus have long led a mysterious existence. It is unknown what exactly went wrong, if anything, during the creation of these mysterious Space Marines and what mutant flaws they may possess within their gene-seed. As with many other Space Marine Chapters, the Sons of Antaeus are inspired by the cultural aspects of certain ancient Terran societies, in this case the ancient Greek mythological figure of Antaeus, an incredibly strong and near invincible man descended from the god of the sea Poseidon and the Titaness Gaia, Mother Earth herself. As long as Antaeus' feet touched the ground, his connection to the Earth granted him great strength and invincibility. But Antaeus was killed in a wrestling match with the ancient Greek hero Heracles when he realized that by holding the giant in the air, Antaeus became as weak as other men. Like Antaeus, the Astartes of the Sons of Antaeus Chapter are unusually large and robust physical specimens, even among their kind, and they are capable of surviving wounds and physical injuries that would kill even other Space Marines. The obvious links between the Chapter's name and Herculean mythology could hint at a link between the Sons of Antaeus and the Ultramarines Chapter, but there is no official evidence to back this assumption. The Sons of Antaeus' unusual physical abilities may be the result of the mutation in the Chapter's gene-seed that has affected so many other Chapters created by the Imperium during the 21st Founding. There are many rumours as to why they are so difficult to destroy, ranging from reinforced skeletons to enhanced genetics. At this time, the truth remains unknown. 
Part of the Cursed 21st Founding, the Sons of Antaeus have a mysterious existence. It is unknown what exactly went wrong, if anything, in the creation of these mysterious Space Marines.
The only official Imperial record that lists the Sons of Antaeus is the Chronicals of the Third Inter-Guild War of the Inca Sector 850-901.M41. Captain Rakman of the Subjugators chapter reported that the Sons of Antaeus showed up unexpectedly and opened a 2nd front forcing the Eldar pirates to attempt to redeploy. This resulted in the destruction of the Eldar raiding force.1
It is reported that they have been seen in action by other reputable Imperial forces. There are many conflicting stories, but two things remain constant.
The Sons of Antaeus' livery is grey and black, and they are capable of withstanding damage that would kill any normal Space Marine in seconds. There are many rumors as to why they are so difficult to destroy, ranging from reinforced skeletons to ancient genetics. At this time, the truth is not known.

Sons of Antaeus

A Loyalist Space Marines Chapter of unknown origin created during the Cursed 21st Founding, the Sons of Antaeus have long led a mysterious existence. It is unknown what exactly went wrong, if anything, during the creation of these mysterious Space Marines and what mutant flaws they may possess within their gene-seed. As with many other Space Marine Chapters, the Sons of Antaeus are inspired by the cultural aspects of certain ancient Terran societies, in this case the ancient Greek mythological figure of Antaeus, an incredibly strong and near invincible man descended from the god of the sea Poseidon and the Titaness Gaia, Mother Earth herself. As long as Antaeus' feet touched the ground, his connection to the Earth granted him great strength and invincibility. But Antaeus was killed in a wrestling match with the ancient Greek hero Heracles when he realized that by holding the giant in the air, Antaeus became as weak as other men. Like Antaeus, the Astartes of the Sons of Antaeus Chapter are unusually large and robust physical specimens, even among their kind, and they are capable of surviving wounds and physical injuries that would kill even other Space Marines. The obvious links between the Chapter's name and Herculean mythology could hint at a link between the Sons of Antaeus and the Ultramarines Chapter, but there is no official evidence to back this assumption. The Sons of Antaeus' unusual physical abilities may be the result of the mutation in the Chapter's gene-seed that has affected so many other Chapters created by the Imperium during the 21st Founding. There are many rumours as to why they are so difficult to destroy, ranging from reinforced skeletons to enhanced genetics. At this time, the truth remains unknown.